Dr. William Richards, world renowned psychedelic researcher and author, joins the Rev. Hunt Priest, founder of Ligare: A Christian Psychedelic Society, for a gathering of leading voices currently contributing to research, ethics, integration, training, and indigenous practices in the emerging field of psychedelic informed spiritual direction. For additional information, consider watching Sacred Speaks interview with Dr. Richards, and another with Hunt Priest and Ligare's board chair Dr. Jessica Felix-Romero. What do religious and spiritual seekers and leaders need to know about ongoing research into psychedelics and their potential as powerful tools for mental health and spiritual care?
This public event will include some brief presentations, a panel discussion and some time for questions and answers. Among the topics: current psychedelic studies and findings, indigenous beliefs and practices, psychedelics and social justice, drugs and medicines in scripture and the Christian tradition, psychedelics-informed Spiritual Direction, and modalities that are currently legal everywhere, including breathwork.
Richmond Hill
2209 East Grace Street Richmond, VA 23223